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How are consular officers penalized if they issue a visa to an intending immigrant?

Consular officers never learn the eventual fate of 99.9999% of the visas they issue. If once in a while word gets back to them somehow that a person they judged to be a nonimmigrant appears to have changed his mind and stayed, the original application might be reviewed to serve as a teaching instrument and the officer might be (okay, no doubt will be) teased mercilessly by his colleagues who are relieved that at least the visa wasn’t one of theirs.

Of course, if it should come to light that an officer deliberately issued a visa for personal gain of some kind, that is an entirely different matter. This does not happen often: I can count on the fingers of one hand the number I am aware of who were caught during my 27-year consular career, and have a finger or two left over.

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