You are currently viewing Has anyone from the UK moved to the US and immediately regretted it?

Has anyone from the UK moved to the US and immediately regretted it?

My dad. We were going to emigrate there. My dad had got a decent job, looked like the wages were great, would be a bigger house, start of something new etc but it’s just not at all like what the US is sold as. The American dream is just a dream. The wages were higher but you don’t have universal healthcare so that would have taken a huge chunk of his wage, the houses were bigger but your neighbourhoods aren’t at all like ours. No community and a weird education system with public school being free and private school. Here public school is paid for, most people go to normal school.

It’s free to use. I was really young so I don’t remember a lot but I remember him telling my gran about it and I remember his complete disillusionment with it. I remember him saying “we’d need two cars, nobody walks”

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