You are currently viewing What does a US visa officer do when they go inside a room at the time of an interview? When he came back he typed for around 2 minutes, at first he was smiling, but later he said “sorry”. What did he type? Does that impact a future interview?

What does a US visa officer do when they go inside a room at the time of an interview? When he came back he typed for around 2 minutes, at first he was smiling, but later he said “sorry”. What did he type? Does that impact a future interview?

What does a US visa officer do when they go inside a room at the time of an interview? When he came back he typed for around 2 minutes, at first he was smiling, but later he said “sorry”. What did he type? Does that impact a future interview?”

“Inside a room” could mean anything. Every single US consular section is laid out differently, and equally inconveniently in its own way. There could be anything in a nearby room, from his supervisor to classified files to a toilet.

Of course a refusal will impact another application. Unlike a lottery, the odds don’t improve the more tickets you buy; they get worse and worse the more desperation you exhibit.

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