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How was your US visa interview experience?

Here’s my B1/B2 Visa interview experience :

January 2024

I applied for US Visa on January 14th, 2024 and my emergency request was approved on Jan 15th, 2024. So, Somehow managed to get an interview slot for January 24th, 2024. My slot was 8:30 AM at US Embassy, New Delhi.

I was living at a friend’s place in Noida and on the interview day, I somehow managed to wake up at 8:00 AM and just after brushing my teeth I rushed to embassy. Didn’t dressed up properly, forgot to take prints of Dad’s account statements I reached Embassy at 8:40 AM in crocs, Pajamas and a Hoodie.

After completing all the steps including various checks, I was in the queue of interview and was waiting for my turn to come. I was asked to go to the last counter where two men were in the queue already. So, I was very nervous and waiting for my turn to come and the every scenario was revolving inside. Also, The people standing in the queue got their VISA rejected. My turn came, I was standing in front of the interviewer.

Interviewer : Hey ! Good morning, How are you today ? (with a bright smile on her face)

Me : Hello ! I am doing good, Thank you for asking. How are you ?

Interviewer : Good to know. I am doing great as well. Thank you.

Interviewer : Can I have your passport please ?

Me : Yes ! Here you go.

Interviewer : So, Why do you want to go to States ?

Me : I have been selected as a delegate for a conference organised by Harvard University. So, in order to represent India, I want to go to States.

Interviewer : What is the conference about and When is it ?

Me : The conference is called HPAIR where the like minded individuals from around the world will come to share their ideas and thoughts. It is scheduled from 9–11 February of this year.

Interviewer : So, What was the selection process ?

(I gave a brief about the process)

Interviewer : Do you have any acceptance letter or something ?

Me : Yes, Here you go.

( She typed and searched on google)

Interviewer : Okay ! First of all congratulations for your achievement. May I know who is paying for your expenses ?

Me : I have crowdfunded the major fraction of the estimated amount. The rest will be paid by my father.

(At this point, I was very stressed, what if she asks for my dad’s bank statements)

Interviewer : That’s great ! What are you currently doing ?

Me : I’m a UG year 3 student at Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur and I am pursuing my Bachelors in Civil Engineering.

Interviewer : Okay ! Thank You. I plan to approve your VISA but my system is not allowing me to do so due to some technical error at our end but you’ll get to hear in a day or two from us via email regarding the document collection process. Consequently, If we need any other document, we will let you know via email.

January 27th, 2024 :

I received an email regarding collection of my document from Shivaji Metro Stadium, New Delhi.

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